Monday, February 11, 2013

TED Theme Resample Remix - TEDx Claremont Colleges - September 2012

To create this, I sampled the intro soundbite that plays at the beginning of each TED video. I chopped it up and transformed it to create all the sounds. I then recorded live guitars and programmed some electronic drums to complete it. It was a lot of fun!

I also remixed and produced some mashup style songs for transitions and breaks at the TEDx Claremont Colleges event. Below is a short description and audio player to listen to what I created:

Track 1 : "What We Know" by The Spirits of Music

Track 2: "Sexy Change Gonna Make Me More Closer to Human" - a mash up production of White Zombie, Gavin Degraw, NIN, LMFAO, and live guitars by Jeff Fajans

Track 3: "Tribe West" - a mash up of Tribe Called Quest, Kanye, and Audioslave

Track 4: "The Honk" - an original production by Jeff Fajans and Matt Martin

Track 5: "TEDx Intro Play" - a sampling and resampling with live guitars of the TED video intro theme, by Jeff Fajans

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